
Foreclosures requirements for Kentucky FHA Mortgages 2012

Foreclosures requirements for Kentucky FHA Mortgages 2012

Foreclosures requirements for Kentucky FHA Mortgages 2012

o A borrower with a foreclosure or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure within the most recent
three years is ineligible for Kentucky FHA Mortgage financing..
Chapter 7 Bankruptcies
o A borrower with a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharged less than two years prior to
loan application is ineligible for Kentucky FHA Mortgage Financing.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcies

o Document at least one year into the payout plan has elapsed
o Document all required payments have been made on time
o If borrower is still in repayment, obtain court permission to enter into the new
o Include Chapter 13 payment in the debt ratio if the BK is not paid in full

Foreclosures requirements for Kentucky FHA Mortgages 2012

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