
Kentucky USDA and Rural Development Eligible Areas in Kentucky

Breaking News!! USDA Announcement.

All current eligible areas of Kentucky for Rural Development loans will remain the same until March 27, 2013 unless directed otherwise. 

SFH Origination News

From the National Office in Washington DC

Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program

September 26, 2012

Implementation of 2010 Census Data

No changes to rural designated areas based on the 2010 Census Data will occur until March 27, 2013 unless directed otherwise.

For additional information on this subject, attached is the Administrative Notice, AN 4679 with additional information. Below is an exert directly from the AN

   SFH Origination News

Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program

USDA RD Approved Map Locations 2013

Rural Housing announced today that the Kentucky eligible property map will NOT be changing until March 2013.  Many were reporting the map change that determines what homes would be eligible was going to happen in October 2012, this is not the case.   Please bookmark the blog to stay informed of the latest USDA mortgage program changes  
For the USDA approved map, please click here
Call us today at 502-905-3708 or visit Free Kentucky Rural Development and USDA Loan Approvals to learn more about 100% Rural Housing loans and application requirements

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