Can you buy a home while in bankruptcy in Kentucky?

Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Kentucky Fannie Mae Guidelines for a Previous Chapter & Bankruptcy:
4 years from discharge or dismissal date
2 years from discharge or dismissal date it borrower meets FNMA definition for Extenuating Circumstances
5 years if more than one bankruptcy was filed within the last 7 years
Kentucky FHA Guidelines for a Past Bankruptcy Chapter 7
2 years from the discharge date for DU approval. Case number assignment cannot be ordered until wait period has elapsed
Manual underwrites are allowed on a refer/eligible DU finding as long as 2 years has elapsed from the discharge date and the borrower has either re-established good credit or chosen not to incur any new credit obligations
Exception for 2 year wait period:
An elapsed period less than 2 years but no less than 12 months may be acceptable
The borrower must document the bankruptcy was caused by extenuating circumstances beyond their control such as a serious illness or death of a wage earner
The borrower must document an ability to manage their financial affairs in a responsible manner
Divorce, loss of a job, or inability to sell a home after relocation is not an acceptable extenuating circumstance
Bankruptcy Chapter 13
KY Fannie Mae Bk Guidelines for Chapter 13 Bk
2 years from discharge date
4 years from dismissal date
2 years from dismissal date it borrower meets FNMA definition for Extenuating Circumstances 5 years if more than one bankruptcy was filed within the last 7 years
Kentucky FHA Mortgage Guidelines for Chapter 13
2 years from the discharge date for DU approval. Case number assignment cannot be ordered until wait period has elapsed
Manual underwrites are allowed 1 day after discharge date or at least 12 months of the payout period under the bankruptcy has elapsed at the time of case number assignment
Must receive a refer/eligible DU finding
Must have documentation of 12 months satisfactory payment history
Must have written permission from trustee to enter into new mortgage transaction
Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Kentucky Fannie Mae Guidelines for a Previous Chapter & Bankruptcy:
4 years from discharge or dismissal date
2 years from discharge or dismissal date it borrower meets FNMA definition for Extenuating Circumstances
5 years if more than one bankruptcy was filed within the last 7 years
Kentucky FHA Guidelines for a Past Bankruptcy Chapter 7
2 years from the discharge date for DU approval. Case number assignment cannot be ordered until wait period has elapsed
Manual underwrites are allowed on a refer/eligible DU finding as long as 2 years has elapsed from the discharge date and the borrower has either re-established good credit or chosen not to incur any new credit obligations
Exception for 2 year wait period:
An elapsed period less than 2 years but no less than 12 months may be acceptable
The borrower must document the bankruptcy was caused by extenuating circumstances beyond their control such as a serious illness or death of a wage earner
The borrower must document an ability to manage their financial affairs in a responsible manner
Divorce, loss of a job, or inability to sell a home after relocation is not an acceptable extenuating circumstance
Bankruptcy Chapter 13
KY Fannie Mae Bk Guidelines for Chapter 13 Bk
2 years from discharge date
4 years from dismissal date
2 years from dismissal date it borrower meets FNMA definition for Extenuating Circumstances 5 years if more than one bankruptcy was filed within the last 7 years
Kentucky FHA Mortgage Guidelines for Chapter 13
2 years from the discharge date for DU approval. Case number assignment cannot be ordered until wait period has elapsed
Manual underwrites are allowed 1 day after discharge date or at least 12 months of the payout period under the bankruptcy has elapsed at the time of case number assignment
Must receive a refer/eligible DU finding
Must have documentation of 12 months satisfactory payment history
Must have written permission from trustee to enter into new mortgage transaction