Q: I am pretty sure I already know the answer to this question but here it goes anyway. My wife and I plan to move into a different house/condo in two years. Is it possible to lock into a rate now that would hold for a couple years? What is the maximum time limit to hold a rate lock?
A: That’s a great idea! We wish we could lock in these interest rates for two years or even more, but most lenders’ interest rate locks are for 30, 45, 60 or 90 days. Frequently, you get the lowest interest rate with the shortest rate lock. You can call around and see what lenders in your area are offering, but it’s unlikely that you’ll find any lender willing to give you a rate lock that extends past those days.
In some new-construction scenarios, home builders will work with lenders to offer their home buyers a longer rate lock period. While the costs for the longer term rate lock may be absorbed by the builder, that builder then knows that the buyer has been approved for a loan and that the loan interest rate is somewhat certain. This certainty would mean that the buyer should be able to close on the loan without issues.
When new-construction buyers sign a contract for a home, the home might not be delivered for a year or so. That home buyer may be able to afford the home given today’s interest rates but not tomorrow’s if rates go sky high. Typically, builders get a preferred lender to offer a type of loan product that would allow the rates to go up a tad but would give the home buyer the benefit of a lower interest rate if rates drop down.
But we haven’t seen a two-year rate lock, even in a new home building scenario. Having said that, some lenders will allow you to buy a rate lock so you might find a lender willing to give a 365 day rate lock or even longer, but that lender will charge you a fee (sometimes it’s significant) to lock that rate.
From your standpoint, you have to determine whether the cost of locking the rate is worth it. We can’t tell you what a lender would charge for the lock, but we know that the longer you want to lock in the rate the higher the fee. And, if you add that to the annual cost of the mortgage, it’s going to push that super-low rate a lot higher.
Here’s the thing: If you look all the way back to 1993 (according to Freddie Mac data), when mortgage interest rates fell a bit below 7% for the first time since 1971, we’ve had incredibly low interest rates. Over the past 10 years, mortgage interest rates have barely been above 5 percent. According to Freddie Mac data, the last time they were over 5 percent, was April 2010.
In other words, it’s likely that interest rates will still be low in two years, and if they’re not, you can refinance when they fall again. That’s the smart move.