Showing posts with label 2nd tier entitlement VA laon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd tier entitlement VA laon. Show all posts

Can you have 2 Kentucky VA Loans?

A Kentucky Veteran Can Have Multiple VA Loans:

A Kentucky Veteran Can Have Multiple VA Loans

In the most basic of terms, VA Second-Tier Entitlement gives a qualified military person the ability to have two KY VA mortgages out simultaneously.
VA will allow a Kentucky Veteran to have multiple Kentucky  VA loans provided they meet the required GNMA 25 percent guaranty. Are you unsure of how to calculate the maximum loan amount for a Veteran based on their used entitlement? I am Kentucky Veteran myself and have done over 50 VA loans for past customers in Kentucky. I am here to help with your Kentucky VA mortgage questions!
Click here and download an interactive, Kentucky Mortgage VA Entitlement and Loan Amount worksheet to help you determine their Kentucky VA Home loan maximum loan amount. This worksheet also works great to determine the maximum loan amount for a Veteran when they are buying a home over their county loan limit.

First let’s explain the difference between entitlement and maximum loan amount.

Each borrower using a VA Loan has a $36,000 entitlement that the VA guarantees to the lender in the unfortunate event that a borrower would default on the loan. The VA's formula dictates whether or not all that entitlement is used with the initial loan, and thus, additional entitlement can be available. And even if the entitlement is $0 after the purchase of the first house, then the Veteran or active duty member can still use their second-tier entitlement, but there will be a standard minimum and maximum loan limits on what the borrower can use to buy that second house.
Where does the $36,000 come from? This is 25% of 144,000, the "old" maximum loan amount for VA loans.
The VA now has County maximum loan limits as high as 768,750 in the DC Metro Area. With that loan amount, your 25% guarantee is 192,187.50 in entitlement.
"Second-Tier entitlement is nice because for those people using it, it means they don't have to sell their (first) property right off the bat when obtaining the second VA Loan. However, they still have to qualify for the VA Loan. While Second Tier Entitlement is not widely used because of its complexity and the fact that plenty of lenders are not well versed in calculating it, does not mean that interested borrowers should wave the white flag and look elsewhere for a different home loan.

An Example of calculating second-tier entitlement:
Veteran has used $104,250 of entitlement on a prior loan, which may not be restored because the loan is still active and is now a rental due to orders to transfer. The Veteran is now purchasing a home for $350,000 where the county loan limit is $768,750.
$768,750 (County Loan Limit) X 25% (your VA guaranty) = $192,187.50 Maximum Guaranty
$192,187.50 - $104,250 (entitlement already used for active VA loan) = $87,937.50 Entitlement Available
$87,937.50 X 4 = $351,750 Maximum Loan Amount with 25% Guaranty – Since the proposed purchased price is less than the max loan amount, no down payment would be required.
If the Veteran would like to purchase a home for 400,000 using the same numbers above, they would be required to bring $12,062.50 as a down payment to meet the 25% guaranty.
400,000 x 25% = 100,000 needed entitlement/guaranty – 87,937.50 available = 12,062.50 difference needed by Veteran to meet lender requirement.
For a list of county loan limits, please email me or go to
If you would like to discuss your options for second tier availability to you, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Joel Lobb  Mortgage Loan Officer 

EVO Mortgage
 911 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204

Text/call: 502-905-3708


NMLS 57916  | Company NMLS #173846

Kentucky VA Home Loan Mortgage Lender: Understanding Your Kentucky VA Home Loan Benefits

Louisville Kentucky VA Home Loan Mortgage Lender: Understanding Your Kentucky VA Home Loan Benefits

Kentucky VA Home Loan Mortgage Lender:


Is your credit score high enough for a  Kentucky VA Home Loan Approval?

Usually, 620 or Higher is better for 2 reasons lower rate and less
stipulations from the underwriter

Do you have sufficient credit depth for a Kentucky VA Home Loan Approval?

Generally, all on-time payments in the last 12 months. They like to see two-three paid on time  for the last 12 months

Do you make enough money to cover all your debts, including the new
Kentucky VA mortgage?

Debts divided by your gross monthly income is lower than 50%. I have
seen many exceptions to this with compensating factors. I have seen as high as 78% debt ratio get approved through the AUS if you have high credit scores (720 or higher, good residual income, a lot of assets, ie money in the bank, retirement, etc.

-Do you have a high probability of continuing to make that same income?

Two years of stable job history is the best. If you were off work sometimes a good letter of explanation will suffice for a job gap. i.e. hurt, medical, etc.

What is a credit score required for a Kentucky VA Home Loan? 

There is no minimum credit score in the VA guidelines.
But, the lender may have a minimum score. It is called credit "overlays".
Most Kentucky VA Home lenders will require a 620 middle credit score.
You have three fico scores from Experian, Equifax, and Transunion.
They will use the middle score of the three. For example, if you have a 675,689,619,
your qualifying fico score to be used would be 675. you can possibly get a VA home
loan approval with a lower score, but you will
have to provide a lot of other information to get that approval

 What does Debt to income mean for a Kentucky VA Home Loan Approval?

Your ratio of total monthly debt payments on the credit report divided by your gross
monthly income. They do not include, utilities, car insurance, cell phone bills,
only credit reporting items. Typically on a VA home loan, they like to see that number around 43% on the back-end ratio for loan approval. You can go above this with high credit scores, good residual income, assets in the bank, etc. Conversely, if you have a low fico score, no money in the bank, going up in house payment from your current housing payment, or low va residual income. then you will need to be under this.

Louisville Kentucky VA Home Loan Mortgage Lender: How to Get Approved for a Kentucky VA Home Mortgag...

Louisville Kentucky VA Home Loan Mortgage Lender: How to Get Approved for a Kentucky VA Home Mortgag...: Basic Understanding of a Kentucky VA Mortgage Loan Approval Process. The VA makes a guarantee to the lending institution (the insurance)-for...

Basic Understanding of a Kentucky VA Mortgage Loan Approval Process.

The VA makes a guarantee to the lending institution (the

insurance)-for 25% of the loan amount (from a lenders

perspective the effective LTV is 75%).

Because the risk to the bank is reduced, the bank can provide

more affordable loans to the Veteran:

• Eliminating the need for a down payment (100% Mortgage)

• Provides the Veterans favorable interest rates

• Eliminating Mortgage Insurance (NO PMI)

Crushing the Myths of the VA Loan

• VA Mortgage Benefits do not expire.

• You can use your VA benefits as many times as you wish.

• You can have more than 1 at a time. (See occupancy rules)

• There is no limit to the size of a VA loan. (There is a county

loan limit, but veterans can purchase above the county loan

limit with a 25% down payment)

• Credit and risk is reviewed differently by each bank

and lender.

• Even with a foreclosure or short sale, the veteran may still be

able to buy a house with a VA loan. (See burnt entitlement,

veteran might have reduced buying power, but can still

use the VA loan). The VA understands that bad things can

happen to good people.

• VA Appraisals are significantly different than they use to be.

What military documents would I need
to have in order to get a VA mortgage?

I don’t know if I still have my documents from when I

served. How can I retrieve them?

There are three websites that should be able to help you, they are:

*If you have difficulty retrieving information from any of these sites,

the local recruiting office for your branch would be able to assist.

I have my discharge paperwork, but would like help

obtaining my Certificate of Eligibility

Contact your lender.

I served, but it was a very long time ago. Do my VA
benefits for a mortgage expire?

No, VA Home Loan benefits never expire. You can use your

VA benefit as long as you’re alive.

I used my VA mortgage along time ago to buy a
home. That means I can’t use it again, right?

The VA Mortgage can be used several times over. If the previous

home was sold, your entitlement should be fully reinstated.

What is the minimum credit score to obtain
a VA mortgage?

The VA does not have a minimum credit score, but lenders will

have their own internal overlay. If your score is greater than 580,

you are likely a candidate for the VA mortgage.

Can I use the VA loan to buy a condo?

You can, with the same terms as buying a detached single family

residence. However, we do have to see if the condo association

is VA approved. Check this website:

I relocated here and have a home in my hometown. I

kept the home and it has a VA mortgage on it now.

Can I get another VA mortgage?

You can get another VA Mortgage. Mortgage

will calculate your remaining entitlement to compute your

maximum loan amount with no money down and/or what

you would have to put down if you exceed the remaining


Can I build a home with a VA Home Loan?

Yes, but there are several clauses that may make this difficult

to accomplish. Many veterans use their VA Home Loan

Certificate of Eligibility to negotiate in good faith a private home

construction loan and then refinance the completed home using

VA Home Loans.

I heard the VA Mortgage was more expensive than
other mortgage types. Is that true?

There is a mandatory funding fee on all VA mortgages (unless

the borrowing veteran is receiving a VA related disability, then

the funding fee is waived). The funding fee is built over and

above the loan amount and the fees are as below.

It's Military May, and that means Permanent Change of Station (PCS) season for military families is upon us. However, some brokers will miss out on opportunities to help more Veterans due to a few commonly held misconceptions regarding Kentucky VA loans.

Separating fact from fiction can make all the difference this season for your business. Here are a few myths around Kentucky VA loans:

Myth: Kentucky VA Loans Are Credit Risks

Reality: Kentucky Veterans and military members tend to have higher credit scores and savings.

Myth: The Seller Pays the Closing Costs

Reality: In a well-structured Kentucky  VA loan, the benefits include no down payment and ideally no closing costs to the seller.

Myth: There Is a Maximum VA Loan Amount  

Reality: There has never been a maximum Kentucky  VA loan amount, though it's often confused with maximum VA loan guarantee.

Myth: VA Loans Are Complicated With Many Restrictions

Reality: The expertise of our Kentucky VA lending team makes the process simple so you can focus on your borrower.

Basic Understanding of a Kentucky VA Mortgage Loan Approval Process. The VA makes a guarantee to the lending institution (the  insurance)-for 25% of the loan amount (from a lenders  perspective the effective LTV is 75%).  Because the risk to the bank is reduced, the bank can provide  more affordable loans to the Veteran:  • Eliminating the need for a down payment (100% Mortgage)  • Provides the Veterans favorable interest rates  • Eliminating Mortgage Insurance (NO PMI)  Crushing the Myths of the VA Loan • VA Mortgage Benefits do not expire.  • You can use your VA benefits as many times as you wish.  • You can have more than 1 at a time. (See occupancy rules)  • There is no limit to the size of a VA loan. (There is a county  loan limit, but veterans can purchase above the county loan  limit with a 25% down payment)  • Credit and risk is reviewed differently by each bank  and lender.  • Even with a foreclosure or short sale, the veteran may still be  able to buy a house with a VA loan. (See burnt entitlement,  veteran might have reduced buying power, but can still  use the VA loan). The VA understands that bad things can  happen to good people.  • VA Appraisals are significantly different than they use to be.    What military documents would I need to have in order to get a VA mortgage? I don’t know if I still have my documents from when I  served. How can I retrieve them? There are three websites that should be able to help you, they are:  *If you have difficulty retrieving information from any of these sites,  the local recruiting office for your branch would be able to assist.  I have my discharge paperwork, but would like help  obtaining my Certificate of Eligibility  Contact your lender.  I served, but it was a very long time ago. Do my VA benefits for a mortgage expire? No, VA Home Loan benefits never expire. You can use your  VA benefit as long as you’re alive.  I used my VA mortgage along time ago to buy a home. That means I can’t use it again, right? The VA Mortgage can be used several times over. If the previous  home was sold, your entitlement should be fully reinstated.  What is the minimum credit score to obtain a VA mortgage? The VA does not have a minimum credit score, but lenders will  have their own internal overlay. If your score is greater than 580,  you are likely a candidate for the VA mortgage.    Can I use the VA loan to buy a condo? You can, with the same terms as buying a detached single family  residence. However, we do have to see if the condo association  is VA approved. Check this website:  I relocated here and have a home in my hometown. I  kept the home and it has a VA mortgage on it now.  Can I get another VA mortgage? You can get another VA Mortgage. Mortgage  will calculate your remaining entitlement to compute your  maximum loan amount with no money down and/or what  you would have to put down if you exceed the remaining  entitlement.  Can I build a home with a VA Home Loan? Yes, but there are several clauses that may make this difficult  to accomplish. Many veterans use their VA Home Loan  Certificate of Eligibility to negotiate in good faith a private home  construction loan and then refinance the completed home using  VA Home Loans.  I heard the VA Mortgage was more expensive than other mortgage types. Is that true? There is a mandatory funding fee on all VA mortgages (unless  the borrowing veteran is receiving a VA related disability, then  the funding fee is waived). The funding fee is built over and  above the loan amount and the fees are as below.      It's Military May, and that means Permanent Change of Station (PCS) season for military families is upon us. However, some brokers will miss out on opportunities to help more Veterans due to a few commonly held misconceptions regarding Kentucky VA loans.  Separating fact from fiction can make all the difference this season for your business. Here are a few myths around Kentucky VA loans:  Myth: Kentucky VA Loans Are Credit Risks  Reality: Kentucky Veterans and military members tend to have higher credit scores and savings.  Myth: The Seller Pays the Closing Costs  Reality: In a well-structured Kentucky  VA loan, the benefits include no down payment and ideally no closing costs to the seller.  Myth: There Is a Maximum VA Loan Amount    Reality: There has never been a maximum Kentucky  VA loan amount, though it's often confused with maximum VA loan guarantee.  Myth: VA Loans Are Complicated With Many Restrictions  Reality: The expertise of our Kentucky VA lending team makes the process simple so you can focus on your borrower.

Louisville Kentucky VA Home Loan Mortgage Lender: Tips on getting a Kentucky VA Mortgage Guidelines ...

Louisville Kentucky VA Home Loan Mortgage Lender: Tips on getting a Kentucky VA Mortgage Guidelines ...: Getting  your Louisville  Kentucky VA  Loan  Approval Run a 25-year loan if you are not getting an approval with a 30-year. Even with higher...

Run a 25-year loan if you are not getting an approval with a 30-year. Even with
higher ratios, 25-year loans are considered lower risk and can be key to getting
an Approve Eligible
• You can do a VA IRRRL on a property that the veteran no longer lives in
• Payoff debts at closing with seller concessions. When writing the offer, this
information goes in the “under additional provisions or other terms” section
• No seasoning requirement for being added to the title (No flip rule)
• Only type of loan where an SAR Underwriter can adjust the value after a
secondary review in Tidewater with a request from the borrower. That gives us
two chances to increase the value if it comes in under.
• You can have more than one at the same time.
• If the DD-214 is a Dishonorable Discharge, the Veteran can re-apply and get their
benefits reinstated and then buy their home. (Apply to the BCMR to upgrade on
basis of clemency)
• No max loan amount & no max amount of closing costs a seller can pay.
• Time of service requirements can be appealed if they are discharged due to a
service-related disability
• Student loans in deferred status that go by old guidelines can be omitted.
• Disputes do not need to be removed to qualify. This is a good trick if you need a
couple extra points. (Disputing collections)
• Time of service requirements can be appealed if they are discharged due to a
service-related disability.
• LP is generally nicer to VA Loans that have derogatory trade lines

Mortgage Application Checklist of Documents Needed below  👇

W-2 forms (previous 2 years)
Paycheck stubs (last 30 days - most current)
Employer name and address (2 year history including any gaps)
Bank accounts statement (recent 2 months – all pages
Statements for 401(k)s, stocks and other investments (most recent)
federal tax returns (previous 2 years)
Residency history (2 year history)
Photo identification for applicant and co-applicant (valid Driver’s License

click on link for mortgage pre-approval

Joel Lobb (NMLS#57916)

Senior Loan Officer

American Mortgage Solutions, Inc.
10602 Timberwood Circle Suite 3
Louisville, KY 40223

Company ID #1364 | MB73346

Text/call 502-905-3708

If you are an individual with disabilities who needs accommodation, or you are having difficulty using our website to apply for a loan, please contact us at 502-905-3708.

Disclaimer: No statement on this site is a commitment to make a loan. Loans are subject to borrower qualifications, including income, property evaluation, sufficient equity in the home to meet Loan-to-Value requirements, and final credit approval. Approvals are subject to underwriting guidelines, interest rates, and program guidelines and are subject to change without notice based on applicant's eligibility and market conditions. Refinancing an existing loan may result in total finance charges being higher over the life of a loan. Reduction in payments may reflect a longer loan term. Terms of any loan may be subject to payment of points and fees by the applicant Equal Opportunity Lender. NMLS#57916

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