Showing posts with label Home Loan Pre Approval in Louisville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Loan Pre Approval in Louisville. Show all posts

How much income do I need qualify for Kentucky Home Loan?

Kentucky Lender's Criteria: Debt-to-Income Ratios

The Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio is a critical factor in determining whether you qualify for a mortgage along with credit, work history and assets. It measures how much of your gross monthly income is used to cover your monthly debt obligations.

For Most Kentucky Mortgage loans ,the  debt to income ratio is centered around the front end ratio and back end ratio. The front end ratio will vary according to the different types of loans, and I will show them below.  The backend ratio, which measures the new house payment along with your current monthly payments on the credit report along with any court ordered payments like child support, DTI limit is typically 45 to 50%

From a Kentucky Mortgage lender's perspective, your ability to purchase a home depends largely on the following factors:

Front-End Ratio

The front-end ratio is the percentage of your yearly gross income dedicated toward paying your mortgage each month. Your mortgage payment consists of four components: principal, interest, taxes and insurance (often collectively referred to as PITI) A good rule of thumb is that PITI should not exceed 31% of your gross income. If you make $100,000 a year, then your max house payment to include escrows for home insurance, mortgage insurance, property taxes would be $2583.00

Back-End Ratio

The back-end ratio, also known as the debt-to-income ratio, calculates the percentage of your gross income required to cover your debts. Debts include your mortgage, credit-card payments, child support and other loan payments. Most lenders recommend that your debt-to-income ratio does not exceed 45% of your gross income. To calculate your maximum monthly debt based on this ratio, multiply your gross income by 0..45 and divide by 12. For example, if you earn $100,000 per year, your maximum monthly debt expenses should not exceed $3,750 with new mortgage payment. Utility bills, car insurance, cell phone bills, insurance payments does not factor into this ratio. Only bills listed on credit report and 401k loan and child support payment

If you are looking to purchase your first home, you have probably been doing your research about properties in your area, where you might be able to obtain a loan and how to qualify for it. A key term you may recognize from all that research is "debt-to-income ratio," which refers to the figure you get when you add up all your monthly debt payments and then divide that number by your monthly income. In laymen's terms, the debt-to-income ratio gives potential mortgage lenders an idea of how much your expenses are each month in comparison to how much you actually earn.

Depending on where you are in the home-buying process, you may have a good idea of where your credit score lands. As important as a strong credit score is, however, a favorable debt-to-income ratio is arguably of equal importance, and it may be just as closely scrutinized by any potential mortgage lender.

Front-end ratios vs. back-end ratios

When you try and obtain a loan, expect possible lenders to review two types of debt-to-income ratio. The front-end ratio, or "housing" ratio, gives them an idea of what percentage of your monthly income would have to go toward home-related expenses, such as the mortgage, associated taxes and any additional fees, such as homeowner's association expenditures, that may apply.

The back-end ratio, on the other hand, takes a more cumulative approach and compares your monthly income to all your expenses, from the housing-related ones to school tuition, child support, car payments and any other financial obligations you may have.

The ideal debt-to-income ratio

The exact percentage your lender will look for will likely vary based on factors such as your credit score, how much you have in your savings account and how much you have to put down for your down payment. Most standard lenders, however, prefer to see something in the ballpark of 28 percent for a front-end ratio. For a back-end ratio, they will likely look for a percentage that does not exceed 36 percent. Federal Housing Authority lenders typically look for a front-end ratio of about 31 percent and a back-end ratio that does not exceed 43 percent.

Lower a high ratio

Simply put, the most effective way to lower a high debt-to-income ratio and therefore make yourself more appealing to lenders is to pay off some of your debt. If you have a cosigner who may be willing to help you out with a loan, that could serve as an additional method of getting around a high ratio.

debt to income ratios for Kentucky mortgage loan approval

To calculate the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio for the scenario you provided, you'll need to figure out both the front-end and back-end DTI ratios.

  1. Front-end DTI ratio: This ratio only includes the mortgage payment (including principal, interest, taxes, and insurance) divided by your gross monthly income.

  2. Back-end DTI ratio: This ratio includes all monthly debts (mortgage, credit cards, auto loans, student loans, etc.) divided by your gross monthly income.

(DTI) ratio requirements for different types of mortgage loans in Kentucky, including FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae, and Kentucky Housing loans:

DTI) ratio requirements for different types of mortgage loans in Kentucky, including FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae, and Kentucky Housing loans

Joel Lobb  Mortgage Loan Officer

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2.  πŸ“ž Call/Text - 502-905-3708

Text/call 502-905-3708

The Mortgage Process to Close a Mortgage Loan in Kentucky

Start your Application – Your Personal Mortgage Advisor will

collect your documents for income and asset validations along with 2 year work history, pull your credit and go over the report and submit your loan for a mortgage pre-approval letter. Usually can be done less than 1 day as long as you have all income and assets documents (paystubs last 30 days, 2 years taxes, 2 years w-2's, 2 year work history, copies of last two months bank statements and most recent quarterly statement for retirement accounts. 

Home Search – Your Realtor will show you the homes you qualify

for and keep you up-to-date with new listings

Making an offer – Your realtor will write up a purchase contract.

You will need to put down a small deposit, then negotiations


Contract Negotiations and Contract to Sale – Your Realtor will

negotiate with listing agent and seller. Once the contract is fully

executed your attorney will review the contract.

Scheduling A Home Inspection – This is when you find out if

there is any issues with your home. You and your realtor can be


Acknowledgement of Loan Application – At this point you will

sign your mortgage application and submit any additional documents

requested like paystubs, w-2's, bank statements, updated income and assets 

Appraisal of Property – Your loan officer will schedule with the

appraisal management company to determine the property’s


Title search on Property to verify liens and ownership record and legal description of deed done by closing attorney or title company 

Underwriting – Your loan goes for official review, approval, and

the loan is committed to. The underwriter will review all documents to include appraisal, title work, income and assets documents, credit report, and issue a conditional approval.

Closing Disclosure – Your closing disclosure will come out 3 days

prior to your closing settlement date, which will need to be


Schedule your Closing Date – Your closing and title work will

be scheduled with your settlement agent

Items for Closing – You will need your certified check.

Closing/Settlement – All mortgage Documents will be signed.

Both your settlement agent and Personal Mortgage Advisor will

review with you.

Moving Time – You receive your keys, enjoy your new home!

Tips to keep your Kentucky Mortgage Loan Pre-Approval Valid until closing

 10 Tips for Mortgage  Loan Applicants Not to After Pre-Approval for a KY Mortgage

1. Don’t change jobs or become self-employed. 

2. Don’t buy a car, truck, van, boat or motorhome unless you plan to live in it. 

3. Don’t use your credit cards or let your payments fall behind. 

4. Don’t spend the money you have saved for your down payment. 

5. Don’t buy furniture before you buy your house. 

6. Don’t originate any new inquiries on your credit report. 

7. Don’t make any LARGE or CASH deposits into your bank account. 

8. Don’t change bank accounts. 

9. Don’t co-sign for anyone. 

10. Don’t purchase anything until after the closing. 

Kentucky Mortgage Pre-Approval Checklist of Items Needed for Approval Letter

  1. Bank Statements - Last 2 Months – All bank statements for all accounts from the last 2 months. Include all numbered pages of all bank statements!
  2. Driver's License – Legible state-issued driver's license
  3. Evidence of Insurance – For all properties owned
  4. Federal Tax Returns - Last 2 Years – Last 2 years of federal tax returns to prove income, include all schedules
  5. HOA statement (if applicable) – Most current statement
  6. Loan Application (1003) – Please complete all fields
  7. Mortgage Statement(s) – Most recent for all properties owned
  8. Pay Stubs - Received in Last 30 Days – Last 30 days of pay stubs to prove income
  9. Social Security Card – Legible social security card to prove social security number
  10. W-2s - Last 2 Years – Last 2 years of W-2s to prove income


Joel Lobb
Mortgage Loan Officer
Individual NMLS ID #57916

American Mortgage Solutions, Inc.

Text/call:      502-905-3708
fax:            502-327-9119

What is the difference between a Mortgage Pre Approval and Pre Qualification for A Louisville Kentucky Mortgage

Pre Qualification for A Louisville Kentucky Mortgage vs a Pre-Approval for a Louisville Kentucky Mtg.

You have probably heard the terms Pre-Qualificationand Pre-Approval and may have wondered what the difference is. 


When you get prequalified, we will typically run your credit, look at ratios and check assets to make sure there is enough to meet reserve requirements.   Most professional real estate agents won’t even show you homes without a Pre-Qualification letter and in today’s Louisville Kentucky Housing  market you must have one before you submit an offer on any home.  A  Pre-Qualification letter says that you have spoken with a lender and they do not see any immediate concerns with your ability to borrow.  This is not as detailed as a Pre-Approval but will allow you to start the process of viewing homes and submitting an offer on one.


With a Louisville Kentucky Mortgage Pre-Approval, we do everything above and also run your file through an automated underwriting system.  We also ask you to send over supporting documents to place in your file.  The supporting documents we typically ask for are:
  • 2 Paystubs
  • 2 Years W-2’s
  • 2 Months of Asset Statements
  • Driver’s License
  • Signed Authorization Form
Everyone’s situation is different, so we may need additional documents.  Once we have had time to review all of your documents, you are pre-approved subject to you finding a property, appraisal, clear title and an underwriter’s final approval.  In today’s fast-moving market with foreclosures being snatched up quickly it is advantageous to go ahead and get Pre-Approved if you are serious about purchasing a home now and want to stack the odds in your favor.

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