Showing posts with label Medical Collections and charge offs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical Collections and charge offs. Show all posts

Medical Debt Collections being Removed from Credit Reports

Medical Collections on Credit Report

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) finalized a rule January 7, 2025 that will remove $49 billion in medical debt from credit reports, helping 15 million Americans! 

Here’s what’s changed: 
  • Medical bills are no longer on credit reports – They won’t hurt your score anymore. 
  • Lenders can’t use medical info in loan decisions. 
  • Credit scores could rise – Many people will see a boost of points
  •  More mortgage approvals

Medical Debt Collections being Removed from Credit Reports

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Joel Lobb
Mortgage Loan Officer - Expert on Kentucky Mortgage Loans

🏒 Address: 911 Barret Ave., Louisville, KY 40204

Evo Mortgage
Company NMLS# 1738461
Personal NMLS# 57916

For assistance with Kentucky mortgage loans, reach out via email, call, or text Joel Lobb directly.

Kentucky Local Home Loan Lender Services

✅ First-Time Home Buyers Welcome
✅ FHA, Rural Housing (USDA), VA, and Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) Loans
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✅ Experienced Guidance Through the Home Buying Process

Kentucky VA Mortgage Guidelines for Collections and Charged Off Accounts.

 Collection Accounts for Kentucky VA Mortgage Loans

Isolated collection accounts do not necessarily have to be paid off as a condition for loan approval. A credit report may show numerous satisfactory accounts and one or two unpaid medical (or other) collections. In such instances, while it would be preferable to have collections paid, it would not necessarily be a requirement for loan approval.

However, collection accounts must be considered part of the borrower's overall credit history and unpaid collection accounts should be considered open, recent credit.

Borrowers with a history of collection accounts should have re-established satisfactory credit in order to be considered a satisfactory credit risk.

While VA does not require that collection accounts be paid-off prior to closing if the borrower's overall credit is acceptable, an underwriter must address the existence of the collection account(s) with an explanation on VA Form 26-6393, Loan Analysis , for excluding the negative credit history they represent.

If the collection account is listed on the credit report with a minimum payment, then the debt should be recognized at the minimum payment amount.

Charged off Accounts for Kentucky VA Mortgage Loans

These accounts are typically collections in which the creditor is no longer pursuing collection of the account. The underwriter must address the circumstances regarding the negative credit history when reviewing the overall credit of the borrower(s).

Have Questions or Need Expert Advice? Text, email, or call me below:

Joel Lobb
Mortgage Loan Officer

Individual NMLS ID #57916

American Mortgage Solutions, Inc.
10602 Timberwood Circle
Louisville, KY 40223
Company NMLS ID #1364

Text/call: 502-905-3708
fax: 502-327-9119

The view and opinions stated on this website belong solely to the authors, and are intended for informational purposes only. The posted information does not guarantee approvalnor does it comprise full underwriting guidelines. This does not represent being part of a government agency. The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the view of my employer. Not all products or services mentioned on this site may fit all people.
NMLS ID# 57916, (

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion will also no longer include medical collection debt under at least $500 on credit reports

 Consumer Reporting Agencies to Remove Most Medical Debt From Credit Reports

The three nationwide credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, announced that effective July 1, 2022, they will no longer include medical debt that was paid after it was sent to collections on consumer credit reports.

The companies’ CEOs provided a joint statement on the decision to change their approach to medical collection debt reporting:

“Medical collection debt often arises from unforeseen medical circumstances. These changes are another step we’re taking together to help people across the United States focus on their financial and personal wellbeing,” said Mark W. Begor, CEO Equifax; Brian Cassin, CEO Experian; and Chris Cartwright, CEO TransUnion. “As an industry we remain committed to helping drive fair and affordable access to credit for all consumers.”

The time period before unpaid medical collection debt would appear on a consumer’s report will be increased from 6 months to one year, according to a press release, “giving consumers more time to work with insurance and/or healthcare providers to address their debt before it is reported on their credit file.”

In the first half of 2023, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion will also no longer include medical collection debt under at least $500 on credit reports.

The changes will remove nearly 70% of medical debt in collections accounts from consumer credit reports.

Medical Collections on Credit Report Equifax, Experian, Transunion

How do collections and charge offs on the credit report affect a Kentucky VA Mortgage Loan Approval?

In order to get approved for a Kentucky VA loan with outstanding collections and charge offs listed on
the credit report, the VA underwriter will want to know the following about them:

Collections & Charge Offs are two different things.  Below is what VA saying about them:


Collection Accounts

Isolated collection accounts do not necessarily have to be paid off as a condition for loan approval. A credit report may show numerous satisfactory accounts and one or two unpaid medical (or other) collections. In such instances, while it would be preferable to have collections paid, it would not necessarily be a requirement for loan approval.

However, collection accounts must be considered part of the borrower's overall credit history and unpaid collection accounts should be considered open, recent credit.

Borrowers with a history of collection accounts should have re-established satisfactory credit in order to be considered a satisfactory credit risk.

While VA does not require that collection accounts be paid-off prior to closing if the borrower's overall credit is acceptable, an underwriter must address the existence of the collection account(s) with an explanation on VA Form 26-6393, Loan Analysis, for excluding the negative credit history they represent.

If the collection account is listed on the credit report with a minimum payment, then the debt should be recognized at the minimum payment amount.

Charged off Accounts

These accounts are typically collections in which the creditor is no longer pursuing collection of the account. The underwriter must address the circumstances regarding the negative credit history when reviewing the overall credit of the borrower(s).


2 different topics best if you can send me credit to review. 


·         Charged off accounts generally ignored

·         Collection accounts on Federal debt are a big issue so we careful there

·         Collections not required to be paid off unless they are extremely high

·         Manual Underwrite we do require an LOE from Veteran for collections

·         What happened, what they did to resolve, what are they doing in the future to either resolve or to prevent this from happening and finally if they are going to enter into a payment plan or not.  Ultimately on the resolution of the collection the UW does not care but VA requires that as part of LOE.


Hope this helps send me credit for full evaluation.


The VA underwriter will want to verify the Kentucky Mortgage Veteran has the ability to pay these items or will want to know how they were paid off before closing.

Any collection or charge off showing as a judgement or lien on the VA mortgage applicant's credit report, must be paid before closing. These affect the title and must be paid before the mortgage is recorded.

Joel Lobb (NMLS#57916)
Senior  Loan Officer
502-905-3708 cell

This website is not affiliated with any government agencies, including the VANMLS ID #57916 (

How do Judgements affect a Kentucky Mortgage Loan Approval?

Judgments and how they affect a Kentucky Mortgage Loan Approval.

Judgements are treated differently than collections when it comes to a mortgage loan approval in Kentucky. 

  • All judgments must be paid off prior to the loan closing unless there is a written agreement for a payment plan.
  • In order to accept a payment plan for a judgment, the written agreement must be provided along with evidence that at least 3 payments have been made and that all payments have been made on time.
  • Any payment plan for a judgment must have its monthly payment include in the DTI calculation.
  • Judgments of a Non-Purchasing Spouse in a community property state must be included, unless excluded by state of Kentucky 

Fill out my form!


Joel Lobb
Senior  Loan Officer

 phone: (502) 905-3708
 Fax:     (502) 327-9119

 Company ID #1364 | MB73346