Kentucky First Time Home Buyer Questions Answered:

What will my mortgage rate be?

We’ll begin with what always seems to be everyone’s number one concern, saving money. Similar to any other monthly payments you’re attempting to negotiate, it depends on a lot of factors. But we can at least clear up a few items to give you an idea of how things will go. Ultimately, the more risk you present to the mortgage lender, the higher your mortgage rate. So, if you have poor credit and come in with a low, down payment, expect a higher interest rate relative to someone with a flawless credit history and a large down payment. The higher interest rate is intended to compensate the lender for the potential of greater risk of a missed payment as data proves those with questionable credit and low down payments are more likely to fall behind on their mortgages. The property itself can also affect mortgage rate pricing – if it’s a condo or multi-unit investment property, expect a higher rate, all else being equal. Then it’s up to you to take the time to shop around, as you would any other important purchase. Two borrowers with identical loan scenarios may receive completely different rates based on shopping alone. And someone worse off on paper could actually obtain a lower rate than a so-called prime borrower simply by taking the time to gather several quotes instead of just one. For the record, a Freddie Mac study proved that home buyers who obtained more than one quote received a lower rate. There is no single answer here, but the more time you put into improving your financial position, shopping different mortgage lenders, and familiarizing yourself with the process so you can effectively negotiate, the better off you’ll be. And of course, you can keep an eye on average mortgage rates to get a ballpark estimate of what’s currently being offered.  To sum it up, compare mortgage rates as you would anything you buy, but consider the fact that you could be paying your mortgage for the next 30 years. So put in even more time!

How long is my mortgage rate good for?

Once you do find that magic mortgage rate, you’ll probably be wondering how long it’s actually good for. If you’re not asking that question, you should be because rates aren’t set in stone unless you specifically ask them to be. By that, we mean locking in the mortgage rate you negotiate or agree upon with the lender so even if rates change from one day to the next, your rate won’t. Otherwise, you’re merely floating your mortgage rate, and thereby taking your chances. Without a rate lock, it’s really just a rate quote.  Lenders will often charge a fee to lock in an interest rate. Rates can generally be locked in for anywhere from 15 to 90 days or longer, with shorter lock periods cheaper than longer ones. But pay attention to the expiration date of your lock, because you will need to close the loan before that date or you will have to renew the lock.

How do you calculate a mortgage payment?

At some point in the mortgage process, you’re going to be searching for a mortgage calculator to figure out your proposed payment.  You can see how monthly payments on mortgage loans are truly calculated using the real math, or you can simply find a payment calculator that does all the work and tells you nothing about how it comes up with the final sum.  Just make sure you use a mortgage calculator that considers the entire housing payment, including taxes, insurance, HOA dues, and so forth. Otherwise, you’re not seeing the complete picture.

What is a mortgage refinance?

As the name implies, refinancing simply means obtaining new financing for something you already own (or partially own, like real estate).  It’s kind of like a balance transfer where you move your loan from one lender to another to get better terms, except it’s a mortgage payoff.of your old mortgage loan for a new mortgage loan. If you currently have a rate of 6% on your mortgage, but see that refinance rates are now 4%, a refinance could make sense and save you a lot of money over time. You’d essentially have the lender pay off your existing loan with a brand-new loan at the lower interest rate. There is also the cash-out refinance, which allows you to tap into your home equity while also changing the rate and term of your existing mortgage. So, if you currently owe $200,000, but your home is worth $500,000, you could potentially take out $100k cash and your new loan amount would be $300,000. Your monthly payments may not even go up if interest rates are favorable, and you’d have that cash to use for whatever you wish. Be sure to use a refinance calculator or payoff calculator to help guide your decision, and consider the loan term, otherwise known as your expected tenure in the property

How much will my housing payment really be?

Like we mentioned in the related question above, be sure to factor in all the elements that go into a mortgage payment, not just the principal and interest payment that you often see advertised.  It’s not enough to look at P&I (Principal & Interest), you have to consider the PITI (Principal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance). And sometimes even the “A” (Homeowners Association Assessments).  If you don’t consider the full housing payment, including property taxes and homeowners insurance (and maybe even private mortgage insurance) you might do yourself a disservice when it comes to determining how much you can afford during the home financing process. You can check out my mortgage affordability calculator to see where you stand. Whether you have an escrow account or not, mortgage lenders will qualify you by factoring in taxes and insurance, not just your monthly mortgage payment.

When is the first mortgage payment due?

This depends on when you close your home loan and if you pay prepaid interest at  closing.  For example, if you close late in the month, chances are your first mortgage payment will be due in just over 30 days.  Conversely, if you close early in the month, you might not make your first payment for nearly 60 days. That can be nice if you’ve got moving expenses and renovation costs to worry about, or if your checking account is a little light.

What credit score do I need to get approved?

It depends what type of mortgage you’re attempting to get, and also what down payment you have, or if it’s a purchase or a refinance.  The good news is that there are a lot of mortgage programs available for those with low credit scores, including VA loans and FHA mortgages.  For example, the FHA goes as low as 500 FICO, Fannie and Freddie 620, and the USDA and VA don’t technically have a minimum credit score, though most lenders want at least 620/640. If you’re in good shape financially, a poor credit score may not actually be a roadblock. But you can save a lot of money if you have excellent credit via the lower interest rate you receive for being a better borrower. Simply put, loan rates are lower if you’ve got a higher credit score.

How large of a mortgage can I afford?

Here you’ll need to consider home values, how much you make, what your other monthly liabilities are, what you’ve got in your savings account, and what your down payment will be in order to come up with your loan amount. From there, you can calculate your debt-to-income ratio, which is very important in terms of qualifying for a mortgage.  This is a fairly involved process, so it’s tough to just estimate what you can afford or provide some quick calculation. There’s also your comfort level to consider. How much home are you comfortable financing? And don’t forget the property taxes and insurance, as well as routine maintenance costs, which can make your total housing obligations much more expensive!

Do I even qualify for a mortgage?

This is an important question to consider. Are you actually eligible for a mortgage or are you simply wasting your time and the lender’s?  While requirements do vary, most lenders require two years of credit history or clean rental history, and steady employment, along with some assets in the bank. As mentioned, if you are looking to purchase a new home, getting that pre-qualification, or better yet, pre-approval, is a good way to find out if the real thing (a loan application) is worth your while. However, even if you are pre-qualified or pre-approved, things can and do come up that turn a conditional approval into a denial letter, such as an undisclosed credit card, personal loan, auto loan, or pesky student loans. Many lenders will also verify employment and credit and income, prior to loan closing to make sure nothing has changed.  Simply, your loan is not 100% done until it funds.

Why might I be denied a mortgage?

There are probably endless reasons why you could be denied a mortgage, and likely new ones being realized every day. It’s a complicated business, really. With so much money at stake and so much risk to lenders if they don’t do their due diligence, you can bet you’ll be vetted pretty thoroughly.  If anything doesn’t look right, with you or the property, it’s not out of the realm of possibilities to be flat out denied. Those aforementioned undisclosed student loans or credit cards can also come back to bite you, either by limiting how much you can borrow or by pushing your credit scores down below acceptable levels. That doesn’t mean give up, it just means you might have to go back to the drawing board and improve your credit score, reduce some debts, or find a new lender willing to work with you. It also highlights the importance of preparation!

What documents do I need to provide to get a home loan?

In short, a lot of them, from tax returns to pay stubs to bank statements and other financials like a brokerage account if using assets from such a source. This process is becoming less paperwork intensive thanks to new technologies like single source validation, but it’s still quite cumbersome. You’ll also have to sign lots of loan disclosures, credit authorization forms, letters of explanation, and so on.  While it can be frustrating and time consuming, do your best to get any documentation requests back to the lender ASAP to ensure that you will close your home loan on time. And make sure you always send all pages of documents to avoid re-requests.

What type of mortgage should I get?

There are a lot of loan options, including fixed-rate mortgages and adjustable-rate mortgages, along with conventional loans and government loans, such as FHA and VA. While most borrowers just default to the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage loan, there are plenty of other loan programs available, and some may result in significant savings depending on your plans. For example, a 5/1 ARM might come with an interest rate 0.75% below a 30-year fixed, and it’s still fixed for the first five years, adjusting every year thereafter. You might want to start with the fixed-rate versus ARM comparison, then go from there. If you’re comfortable with an ARM, you can explore the many options available. If you know a fixed rate is the only way to go with a home loan, you can determine whether a shorter-term option like the 15-year fixed is in your budget and best interest. Also consider the FHA vs. conventional pros and cons to ensure you’ve covered all your bases if trying to decide between those two loan types.

How big of a down payment do I need?

That depends on a lot of factors, including the purchase price of the home, the type of loan you choose, the property type, the occupancy type, your credit score, and so on. There are still zero down mortgage options available in certain situations, including for USDA and VA loans, and widely available 3% and 3.5% down options as well.  In short, you can still get a mortgage with a relatively small down payment, assuming it’s owner-occupied and not a vacation home or investment property. Just make sure you can afford the higher monthly payments!

Do I need to pay mortgage insurance?

Good question. The answer coincides with down payment and/or existing home equity, along with loan type. Basically, you want to be at or below 80% loan-to-value to avoid mortgage insurance entirely, at least when it comes to a home loan backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. That means a 20% down payment or greater when purchasing a home, or 20%+ equity when refinancing a mortgage. However, for a FHA loan, mortgage insurance is unavoidable, regardless of the loan to value.

What are mortgage points? Do I need to pay them?

The choice is yours when it comes to points, though it does depend on how the lender. Are they discount points or a loan origination fee?  Points paid by you, that are for a lender origination fee do not reduce the interest rate. They are a fee to compensate the lender for their cost to originate the mortgage loan. Discount points will reduce the loan interest rate. For every point paid, there is a corresponding reduction in interest rate charged.  Of course, these points can be paid directly and out-of-pocket, or indirectly via a higher mortgage rate and/or rolled into the loan. This is part of the negotiation process, and also your preference.

What closing costs are negotiable?

Closing costs will be fees assessed by and paid to your lender and fees assessed by your lender but paid to a third-party. Many closing costs may be negotiable, including some third-party fees that you can shop for like title insurance. Closing costs refer to fees both paid to the lender as well as fees assessed and paid to a third-party provider.  If you look at your Loan Estimate (LE), and provided settlement Service Provider list, you’ll actually see which services identified which you can shop for. Then there are the loan costs, which you may be able to negotiate with some lenders. In some instances, you may not be charged an outright fee, because it will be built into the rate, which also may be negotiated at times. You have every right to go through each and every fee and ask what it is and why it’s being charged. And the lender should have a reasonable response.

How quickly can I get a mortgage?

This is an easier mortgage question to answer, though it can still vary quite a bit. In general, you might be looking at anywhere from 30 to 45 days for a typical residential mortgage transaction, whether it’s a mortgage refinance or home purchase. Of course, stuff happens, a lot, so it’s not out of the ordinary for the process to take up to 60 days or even longer. At the same time, there are companies (and related technologies) that are trying to whittle the process down to a couple weeks, if not less. So, look forward to that in the future!

Do I really need a 20% down payment to purchase a home?

A. No. There are several other loan options available that allow you to put as little as 5%, 3%, or even 0% down. Just keep in mind that a conventional home loan with less than a 20% down payment typically requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). FHA loans will require mortgage insurance premiums regardless of the down payment. Mortgage Insurance protects the lender from losing money if you end up not being able to pay the loan.

When should I lock in my interest rate?

A. This answer differs depending on whether you’re purchasing or refinancing a home. But of course, either way, you want to obtain the lowest rate possible on such a large amount of money.  If you’re refinancing, your application has to be credit-approved before you can lock in your rate. If you’re shopping for a home, your application has to be credit-approved and the seller has accepted your offer before you can lock in your rate.  Then, you’ll need to decide if you want to lock in today’s rate or keep an eye on rates in the days that follow.  Be sure to understand any fees associated with the rates you see advertised — not all are created equal, so you want to pay attention to the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), not just the interest rate.

How long does my pre-approval last?

A. Pre-approvals on average are good from 60 to 90 days, at which time, if you haven’t put an offer on a home and submitted a loan application, you’ll need to get pre-approved again.

When I purchase a new home, what exactly, are closing costs, and how much should I expect to pay?

A. When you decide to buy a home, you’ll spend more than just your down payment. You’ll also pay for things like recording fees, wire fees, or escrow account, origination fees, upfront insurance premiums and any “points” you buy to lower your interest rate. These expenses are collectively called closing costs, and you can expect them to run you anywhere from 2% to 5% of the purchase price of your home.

What type of mortgage should I choose?

A. This is entirely unique to your financial situation, what you want to buy, how long you plan to live in the home, and more. With options that range from a standard 30-year fixed-rate home loan to an adjustable-rate mortgage that lets you pay less in interest for the first few years, your best bet at finding the right loan is to speak with an expert. Our mortgage loan advisors can spend time understanding your needs and goals to assist you in determining the best loan program for you

Joel Lobb
Mortgage Loan Officer
Individual NMLS ID #57916

Text/call:      502-905-3708


Louisville Kentucky First Time Home Buyer Programs

If you are a potential Louisville Kentucky First Time home buyer first time home buyer in Louisville Kentucky, we welcome you! It is our utmost desire to assist you in reaching the goal of buying your first home. 

We've gathered the most helpful, beneficial resources together on this page to make things as easy as possible for you.

We have access to all the Louisville Kentucky First Time home Buyers programs including, FHA, VA, KHC, and USDA, Rural Housing Zero Down home loans--

What is available for first time home buyer financial programs in Kentucky?

The first place to start in that search is the Kentucky Housing Corporation. They provide generous assistance to first time home buyers in the form of grants to help with the down payment as well as closing costs.

The Kentucky Housing Corporation has a down payment assistance program for eligible homebuyers who meet specific moderate-income limits to help with down payment and/or closing costs. Check and see what is available and if you qualify....

There are other Louisville, Kentucky first time homeownership programs available through the Kentucky Housing Corporation

Your household income and expenses

Lenders look at your income in ways other than the total amount; how you earn it is also important. For example, income from bonuses, commissions and overtime can vary from year to year. If these sources make up a large percentage of your income, your lender will want to know how reliable they are.

Your lender will also consider the relationship between your income and expenses. Generally, your fixed housing expenses (mortgage payment, insurance, and property taxes, but not repairs or maintenance) should not be more than 28 percent of your gross monthly income, although this is not an absolute rule. Your lender will also consider other long-term debts, such as car loans or college loans. It is a good idea to bring the following when you meet with your lender:


Employment, salary and bonuses, and any other source of income for the past two years (bring your most recent pay stub, previous year’s W-2 forms, and tax returns if possible)
The most recent account statement showing the amount of any dividend and interest income you received during the past two years 

Official documentation to support the amount of any other regular income you may receive (alimony, child support, etc.) Job stability is a factor that a mortgage lender will look for, and two years at your current job helps, but this also is not an absolute requirement. If you change jobs but stay in the same line of work, you should not have a problem — especially if the job change is an advancement or increase in income.

Credit score

Your credit score also helps to predict how likely you are to repay the mortgage debt. Credit scores will determine if you qualify for the loan, what your rate is, and mortgage insurance payments each month. Typical fico scores wanted for an automated approval run around 580 for an FHA loan and VA loan, 620 for a USDA, 620 for a KHC Loan with Down Payment Assistance, and 620 for an AU approval for Fannie Mae Loan.

Personal assets

Current balances and recent statements for any bank accounts, including checking and savings
Most recent account statement showing current market value of any investments you may have, such as stocks, bonds or certificates of deposit
Documentation showing interest in retirement funds
Face amount and cash value of life insurance policies
Value of significant pieces of personal property, including automobiles
Debt Information
The balances and account numbers of your current loans and debts, including car loans, credit card balances and any other loans you may have 


The lender does the best possible job of ensuring that a borrower qualifies for a loan. The final decision, however, rests with the lender's underwriter, who measures the total risk that the specific investor, who backs up the loan, is taking. Each investor (or investment company) has its own underwriting guidelines (often using statistical models), so while the underwriters evaluate many of the same factors as the lenders, they may look more closely at some areas than others, depending on the guidelines.

 For example, while the lender may have pre-approved you before you chose a home, by the time you get to underwriting, you will have chosen the property you want to buy, and the underwriter will review the property details closely. 

However, most of the information used is the same as that used by the lender, but it may be evaluated differently. The underwriter will evaluate the borrower's ability to pay (income), willingness to pay (credit history), and the collateral (property). As underwriters analyze each of these risks (although this is not a complete list), here are some possible guidelines they may use:

Is the income stable from month to month and year to year? 

Has the borrower been on his/her current job and in the same industry for a sufficient amount of time? 

A minimum of two years is the standard guideline, but exceptions can be made.

Can the income be verified? 

2 years taxes, last 30 days of paystubs 

Does the borrower have late payments, collections, or a bankruptcy? 

If so, is there an explanation that can be provided for the late payments/collections/bankruptcy? 
FHA, VA requires 2 years removed from bankruptcy and USDA requires 3 years removed from bankruptcy. 
Fannie Mae requires 4-7 years after a bankruptcy. 
Does the borrower have excessive monthly debts to repay? Typical Debt to income ratios for a no money down loan are limited to 45% of your total gross monthly income for a USDA or KHC loan.
Is the borrower maxed out on credit cards? 

Pay down your credit card balances to less than 25% of your credit limits before you apply for a mortgage loan.

The down payment

A down payment is a percentage of your home's value. The type of mortgage you choose determines the down payment you will need. It can range from zero to 20 percent, or more if you wish.
A number of loans are available that do not require high down payments, particularly for first-time home buyers. 

FHA loans, for example, may require less than 5 percent down, and veterans or those on active duty in the military can obtain loans with no down payment at all. 

USDA loans are offered to rural home buyers with a no down payment option just like VA loans.

In addition to down payment assistance offered through Kentucky Housing where you don't have to put a down payment down with income caps for both KHC and USDA loans.

Joel Lobb  Mortgage Loan Officer NMLS 57916

EVO Mortgage
 911 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204
Company NMLS ID # 173846

Text/call: 502-905-3708


NMLS 57916  | Company NMLS #173846

This is not a commitment to lend or extend credit. Restrictions may apply. Information and/or data is subject to change without notice. All loans are subject to credit approval. THIS PRODUCT OR SERVICE HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED OR ENDORSED BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, AND THIS OFFER IS NOT BEING MADE BY AN AGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT. This email was sent as part of my effort to maintain our relationship and keep you well informed of market conditions. It could be interpreted as a commercial message. If you would like to stop receiving these emails, you may click here to unsubscribe at any time: 

Kentucky First-time Home Buyer Programs

4 Things Every Borrower Needs to Know to Get Approved for a Mortgage Loa...

Why Kentucky Mortgage Loans Are Denied

When applying for a Kentucky mortgage loan, several factors play a crucial role in the approval and denial process. 

Understanding why Kentucky mortgage loans may not get approved due to credit score, bankruptcy, income ratio, work history, and foreclosure is essential for prospective homebuyers. 

Credit Score of 620 or below:

A credit score reflects an individual's creditworthiness. Lenders use this score to assess the risk of lending money. A lower credit score, typically below 620, can raise concerns for lenders. It may indicate past financial challenges, missed payments, or high levels of debt. To improve mortgage approval chances, borrowers should aim for a higher credit score by paying bills on time, reducing debt, and fixing any errors on their credit report.

Credit scores Kentucky Mortgage Loan

Bankruptcy less than 2 years or foreclosure less than 3 years:

Bankruptcy can significantly impact mortgage approval. Depending on the type of bankruptcy (Chapter 7 or Chapter 13) and how long ago it occurred, lenders may view it as a red flag. 

Bankruptcies stay on credit reports for 10 years, affecting credit scores and indicating financial instability. Lenders may require a waiting period after bankruptcy before considering a mortgage application.
Chapter 7

If you have filed a Chapter 7  Bankruptcy, the mortgage waiting periods begin after the discharge date:

Fannie Mae (conventional) loan – 4 years from discharge date
FHA loan – 2 years from discharge date
VA loan – 2 years from discharge date
USDA loan – 3 years from discharge date

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

On the other hand, if you have filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, the mortgage waiting periods are shorter:

Fannie Mae (conventional) loan – 2 years from discharge date, and also 4 years from the dismissal date.
FHA loan – 1 year from the payout period. However, you also need court permission, and proof of satisfactory bankruptcy payment and performance.
VA loan – 1 year from the payout period. Also, court permission, and proof of satisfactory bankruptcy payment and performance.
USDA loan – 1 year of the payout must elapse and payment performance must be satisfactory. In addition, you need court permission to borrow again.

After Short Sale/Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure

The mortgage waiting periods after a short sale begin after the completion date:Fannie Mae (conventional) loan – 4 years
FHA loan – 3 years
VA loan – 2 years
USDA loan – 3 years

Debt to Income Ratio over 50% 

Lenders assess income ratios to determine if borrowers can afford mortgage payments. The debt-to-income ratio (DTI) compares monthly debt payments to gross monthly income. A high DTI suggests financial strain and may lead to loan denial. Lenders typically prefer a DTI below 50% for conventional loans. Increasing income or reducing debt can help improve this ratio and enhance loan approval chances.

Work History less than 2 years with job gaps: 

2 year Stable employment and consistent income are vital for mortgage approval. Lenders evaluate work history to ensure borrowers have a reliable source of income to repay the loan. Job changes, gaps in employment, or irregular income can raise concerns. Ideally, borrowers should demonstrate a steady work history with consistent or increasing income over time.

Joel Lobb Mortgage Loan Officer

Text/call: 502-905-3708


The view and opinions stated on this website belong solely to the authors, and are intended for informational purposes only. The posted information does not guarantee approval, nor does it comprise full underwriting guidelines. This does not represent being part of a government agency. The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the view of my employer. Not all products or services mentioned on this site may fit all people.
NMLS ID# 57916, (

Frequently Asked Questions for A Kentucky Mortgage Loan Approval


What documents do I need to prepare for my Kentucky Mortgage loan application?

Below is a list of documents that are required when you apply for a mortgage. Every situation is different so you may be required to provide less or more documentation. 

Sometimes a document you provide will promote us to ask for something additional.  This is a normal part of the process and does anything mean that anything is wrong. 

Your Property    


·         Copy of signed sales contract including all riders and addendums.

·         Verification of the deposit when you made your offer. 

·         Names, addresses and telephone numbers of  your realtor, builder, insurance agent and attorney (if involved).

Your Income

·         Copies of your pay-stubs for the most recent 30-day period and year-to-date.

·         Copies of your W-2 forms for the past two years. 

·         Names and addresses of all employers for the last two years. 

·         Letter explaining any gaps in employment in the past 2 years. 

·         Green card or visa (copy of front & back)

If you are self-employed or receive commission or bonus, interest/dividends, or rental income:

·        Full tax returns for the last two years including attached schedules and statements. If you have filed an extension, please supply a copy of the extension

·        Year-to-date Profit and Loss statement.

·         K-1's for all partnerships and S-Corporations for the last two years.

·         Completed and signed Federal Partnership (1065) and/or Corporate Income Tax Returns (1120) including all schedules, statements and addenda for the last two years. (Required only if your ownership position is 25% or greater.)


If you will use Alimony or Child Support to qualify:

·        Divorce decree or court order stating amount, as well as, proof of receipt of funds for last year.


If you receive Social Security income, Disability or VA benefits:

·         Award letter from that organization.

Source of Funds and Down Payment

·         Sale of your existing home - Settlement/Closing Statement. (You won't have this until you close on your current home)

·         Savings, checking or money market funds - bank statements for the last 2 months.

·         Stocks and bonds -

most recent statement. 

·         Gifts - If part of your cash to close, provide Gift Letter (ask us and we will provide one for you) 

Debt or Obligations

·         Prepare a list of all names, addresses, account numbers, balances, and monthly payments for all current debts with copies of the last three monthly statements

·         Include all names, addresses, account numbers, balances, and monthly payments for mortgage holders and/or landlords for the last two years

·         If you are paying alimony or child support, include marital settlement/court order stating the terms of the obligation

When should I refinance?

It's generally a good time to refinance when mortgage rates are 2% lower than the current rate on your loan. It may be a viable option even if the interest rate difference is only 1% or less. Any reduction can trim your monthly mortgage payments. Example: Your payment, excluding taxes and insurance, would be about $770 on a $100,000 loan at 8.5%; if the rate were lowered to 7.5%, your payment would then be $700, now you're saving $70 per month. Your savings depends on your income, budget, loan amount, and interest rate changes. Your trusted lender can help you calculate your options.

What are points?

A point is a percentage of the loan amount, or 1-point = 1% of the loan, so one point on a $100,000 loan is $1,000. Points are costs that need to be paid to a lender to get mortgage financing under specified terms. Discount points are fees used to lower the interest rate on a mortgage loan by paying some of this interest up-front. Lenders may refer to costs in terms of basic points in hundredths of a percent, 100 basis points = 1 point, or 1% of the loan amount.

Should I pay points to lower my interest rate?

Yes, if you plan to stay in the property for a least a few years. Paying discount points to lower the loan's interest rate is a good way to lower your required monthly loan payment, and possibly increase the loan amount that you can afford to borrow. However, if you plan to stay in the property for only a year or two, your monthly savings may not be enough to recoup the cost of the discount points that you paid up-front.

What is an APR?

The annual percentage rate (APR) is anot the interest rate you pay. The APR reflects the costs of obtaining a mortgage as a yearly rate. It is usually higher than the note rate, or advertised rate, because it takes into the costs. Because APR calculations are affected by the various different fees charged by lenders, a loan with a lower APR is thought to be a better deal, but that's not always true.  


The best way to know what is the best deal fo ryou ist to obtain a cost analysis from your lender so you can compare different options side-by-side.

Ask us for your analysis.

What does it mean to lock the interest rate?

Mortgage rates can change from one day to the next. If interest rates rise sharply during the application process it can increase the borrower’s mortgage payment unexpectedly. Once you "lock-in" your loan’s interest rate, that guarantees that rate for a specified time period, often 30-60 days, and then that is your rate for the entire term of your loan (assuming you have a fixed rate)


How is my credit judged by lenders?

Credit scoring is a system creditors use to help determine whether to give you credit. Information about you and your credit experiences, such as your bill-paying history, the number and type of accounts you have, late payments, collection actions, outstanding debt, and the age of your accounts, is collected from your credit application and your credit report. Using a statistical program, creditors compare this information to the credit performance of consumers with similar profiles. A credit scoring system awards points for each factor that helps predict who is most likely to repay a debt. A total number of points -- a credit score -- helps predict how creditworthy you are, that is, how likely it is that you will repay a loan and make the payments when due.

The most widely use credit scores are FICO scores, which were developed by Fair Isaac Company, Inc. Your score will fall between 350 (high risk) and 850 (low risk).

Because your credit report is an important part of many credit scoring systems, it is very important to make sure it's accurate before you submit a credit application.

 To get copies of your report, contact the three major credit reporting agencies:

Equifax: (800) 685-1111
Experian (formerly TRW): (888) EXPERIAN (397-3742)
Trans Union: (800) 916-8800
These agencies may charge you up to $9.00 for your credit report.

You are entitled to receive one free credit report every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. This free credit report may not contain your credit score and can be requested through the following website:

What can I do to improve my credit score?

Credit scoring models are complex and often vary among creditors and for different types of credit. If one factor changes, your score may change -- but improvement generally depends on how that factor relates to other factors considered by the model. Only the creditor can explain what might improve your score under the particular model used to evaluate your credit application.

Nevertheless, scoring models generally evaluate the following types of information in your credit report:

·         Have you paid your bills on time? Payment history typically is a significant factor. It is likely that your score will be affected negatively if you have paid bills late, had an account referred to collections, or declared bankruptcy, if that history is reflected on your credit report.

·         What is your outstanding debt? Many scoring models evaluate the amount of debt you have compared to your credit limits. If the amount you owe is close to your credit limit, that is likely to have a negative effect on your score.

·         How long is your credit history? Generally, models consider the length of your credit track record. An insufficient credit history may have an effect on your score, but that can be offset by other factors, such as timely payments and low balances.

·         Have you applied for new credit recently? Many scoring models consider whether you have applied for credit recently by looking at "inquiries" on your credit report when you apply for credit. If you have applied for too many new accounts recently, that may negatively affect your score. However, not all inquiries are counted. Inquiries by creditors who are monitoring your account or looking at credit reports to make "prescreened" credit offers are not counted.

·         How many and what types of credit accounts do you have? Although it is generally good to have established credit accounts, too many credit card accounts may have a negative effect on your score. In addition, many models consider the type of credit accounts you have. For example, under some scoring models, loans from finance companies may negatively affect your credit score.

Scoring models may be based on more than just information in your credit report. For example, the model may consider information from your credit application as well: your job or occupation, length of employment, or whether you own a home.

To improve your credit score under most models, concentrate on paying your bills on time, paying down outstanding balances, and not taking on new debt. It's likely to take some time to improve your score significantly.


What is an appraisal?

An Appraisal is an estimate of a property's fair market value. It's a document generally required (depending on the loan program) by a lender before loan approval to ensure that the mortgage loan amount is not more than the value of the property. The Appraisal is performed by an "Appraiser" typically a state-licensed professional who is trained to render expert opinions concerning property values, its location, amenities, and physical conditions.


What is PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance)?

On a conventional mortgage, when your down payment is less than 20% of the purchase price of the home mortgage lenders usually require you get Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) to protect them in case you default on your mortgage. Sometimes you may need to pay up to 1-year's worth of PMI premiums at closing which can cost several hundred dollars. The best way to avoid this extra expense is to make a 20% down payment, or ask about other loan program options.


What happens at closing ?

The property is officially transferred from the seller to you at "Funding".  Often you will go to a title company or attorneys office for your "closing".  However, this is just to sign all the final documents. Ownership of the property is officially transferred either later that day of often the next business day, which is when you will normally obtain the keys to the home.  If you can't attend the closing meeting personally, i.e., if you’re out-of-state, closing can take anywhere just about anywhere as we have mobile notaries that can help you with signing documents and notarizing your signature. 



--Joel Lobb

Mortgage Loan Officer
Individual NMLS ID #57916

Text/call:      502-905-3708
